Getting Started
Welcome to Coming Home to You! I am so glad to have you on this journey. Congratulations on taking the first step to creating a life you love by connecting to your home frequency.
Something is always trying to work its way through us into the world. What is trying to be expressed through you? The goal of this course is to help you explore what demands expression through you by knowing more fully your home vibration; the root of your Being.
What to Expect in this Course
This course is not a typical online course. It is an immersive learning experience created to help you connect more deeply with yourself—the core of your Being.
The course includes:
- Video Lesson Content to introduce you to the concepts
- Weekly Journals to help you explore your inner world and understand the concepts personally
- Weekly Exercises to apply the concepts in your life
- Weekly Meditations to help you return to You.
Accessing this Course
You can access this course any time by going to or by going to and clicking on "Learning" in the upper right hand corner.
Planning Ahead
You will work through this course at your own pace. I recommend that you carve out regular time every week to work through the lecture resources and readings. There is approximately 1.5-2 hours of material per week in the lessons and you will want to make time to do the assignments throughout each week. The Weekly Exercises are really where you will put your learning into action. You do not have to do a whole week's content in one sitting. In fact, you should listen to your body and your inner self. If you need to take a break, do that. If you need more time to process information, allow yourself that space. This alone is an act of listening to your inner self and is part of the process of tapping into your home frequency. Basically, be gentle with yourself and enjoy the ride.
And I acknowledge you for your commitment to completing this course. I invite you to acknowledge yourself too. Whatever brought you here, know that you are welcome and that I am very excited to have you along for the journey.
Let's get started.
(Side note...this course is designed to be mobile friendly.)